Thursday, May 22, 2014

Yosemite National Park, CA

Yosemite lived up to it's reputation. The towering granite peaks, cascading waterfalls and picturesque mountain streams did not disappoint. We drove 200 miles from Bakersfield to Yosemite and it was worth every mile we drove to experience the park up close and personal.

We spent the afternoon in the valley which is the most popular destination in the park and where all of the park rangers direct new visitors. We entered the park from the south which descends into the valley through the man made tunnel and opens up the the scenic lookout over El Capitan, Bridal Veil and Half Dome. After a brief stop at the lookout we finished the decent into the valley to hike a few of the trails that lead up to the base of the waterfalls.

The scenery from every angle of Yosemite was just simply breathtaking which explains why it is one of Americas most visited national parks. Like many of the other popular national parks Yosemite also had a well run shuttle system to conveniently transport park visitors from trail to trail.

After spending most of our time around the visitor center and walking a handful of trails to the waterfalls we ended the day by jumping in the truck and driving the entire loop around the valley and capping of the day with a picnic at the giant redwoods located in the park.

The kids collecting trash as part of the Junior Ranger program.

A view of the valley. El Capitan on the left, Bridal Veil on the right and Half Dome in the background.

The kids enjoying a hike along the river.

The girls looking at the waterfall in the distance.

This is the Upper and Lower Yosemite Falls.

The lone tree in the middle of the field was just a beautiful display of God's creation.

Enjoy the Ride!
Seth and Katherine

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