Monday, March 31, 2014

Remember the Alamo!

While making our way across Texas we made a quick stop at the Alamo in San Antonio. The Alamo is fascinating piece of Texas history. The Alamo is open during specific hours during the day so if you do plan an touring this historic sight make sure to allow yourself enough time to tour the compound prior to it's closing. There is also a great timeline of the history of the Alamo located inside, which you will want to make sure you take the time to catch up on it's history if, like me, you don't have a an understanding of the Alamo as it relates to the history of Texas.

After spending a few hours touring the Alamo we enjoyed an early dinner at San Antonio's uniquely designed shopping plaza's called the Riverwalk. It is a beautifully designed shopping district with restaurants and shops located along the San Antonio River which cuts through the heart of San Antonio. One attribute that makes the Riverwalk intriguing is that it is located 2 stories below street level.

A word of caution...when eating outside under a heavily treed area, sit under an umbrella! Un-suspecting diners can become an easy target for large birds overhead who feel the need to relieve themselves on diners below! We were about 2 inches away from a messing disaster.

The Family in Front of the Alamo.

Katherine and I at the Riverwalk

A view of the Riverwalk from the street.

At our site in San Antonio. By far our tightest fit. We barley had enough room to walk between the slide outs from our neighbors camper and ours.

Enjoying dinner outside with the family at the RV Park.
The kids feeding ducks at the pond near our campsite.

Tristan, Sidney and Helaina getting the hook out of a fish.

Helaina's first catch of the day.

Sidney with her first catch.

One of about 50 perch that Tristan pulled out of the pond.
"Remember the Alamo"
-General Sam Houston, Battle of San Jacinto April 21, 1836

Enjoy the Ride!
Seth and Katherine

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