Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Long way Round

So here we go...the 2,300 miles from Billings, Montana to my wife's hometown of Buzzards, MA. This was a trek that I was cautiously excited about. We headed out of Montana on Tuesday and spent two days in Rapid City before pulling out on a monster of a drive. From Rapid City we drove through Sioux Falls, SD and into Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York and finally arriving at our destination of Buzzards Bay 48 hours later.

Generally speaking the trip was pretty smooth and stress free until we came to the dreaded traffic of Chicago. Up until Chicago we were able to enjoy some open interstates and relatively minor congestion. That all changed when we got to Chicago. The traffic was heavy as expected and our nerves were tested as we had to weave in and out of lanes to catch our exits.

I have to say I don't care what anyone says about Chicago drives, they love to honk and offer the international symbol for get of the road idiot. But all that aside I found that they had a tremendous amount of common sense recognizing that a three quarter ton truck hauling a 36ft 15 thousand pound camper will always have the right of way over a 4 door sedan. Thanks Chicago, I love you too!

Along the way we had our first experience boondocking in a Walmart parking lot. I have to say, I loved it! There was something just so exhilarating about boondocking in a Walmart parking lot and being completely off the grid. One thing we learned pretty quickly though, we love the 24 hour super centers. They offer plenty of lighting and a 24 hour location to pick up breakfast, dinner or lunch while on the road. Our first night of boondocking was in Albert Lea Minnesota followed by Toledo, Ohio.

If you ever wondered who these people living in a Walmart parking lot are, now you know! It's your friendly neighborhood Wald's.

Boondocking in Toledo Ohio

On our way out after a great nights sleep.

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